Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Art appreciation class Essay Example

Art appreciation class Essay Example Art appreciation class Paper Art appreciation class Paper Aesthetics simply means relating to, appreciating, or perceiving the beautiful. Beauty, if it can be defined simply, means whatever captures your heart for that moment in time that you have been blessed. We are always told that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I think it is the perspective of that eye that makes anything even more beautiful. Beauty can be something to perceive or observe, but only when the spectator becomes a participant, can someone truly begin to appreciate it for all that it may have to offer. Many people may agree that something is beautiful, but the depth of that beauty can eventually become fathomless beyond the point of imagination if experienced. I remember fondly when, as children, we would run wildly across the field and lie on our backs as we let the blades of grass tickle our ears while the warm summer wind blew across the yard and swirled around us. The leaves of the trees could be heard taking deep breaths for the thicket just across the fence from where we would be. We would lie there gazing at the sky as the stage full of performing clouds of every shape and size would dance in front of us. For the adults, it must have appeared that our internal engines had finally run out of gas as we would limply fall or jump on the ground, when actually, play had merely taken a different form for a while. Those memories and visions are beautiful to think about; especially when considering the simplicity of life back then, and even more fun to remember when time stops and allows for reflection. Aesthetics is, as a parent, being able to watch my kids do similar things and it warms my heart like a warm July sun. Hearing the laughter ring through the air as they run and jump and play games that are not full of restricting rules, and barriers of guidance; watching them as they run in circles chasing leaves that are blowing across the ground, or catching flutter-bys on the wildflowers in the meadow. It is almost as if they are teasing the children to try and catch them if they can, and as the tiny creature grows weary of the game, it simply flies higher into the sky, out of reach, and away from the commotion. The children are simply bound by the ideal of being able to be together and have fun. Falling down means you simply get back up and run again without concern of hurt or pain because you have a task at hand that needs immediate attention have fun. Somewhere in the deepest part of all our lives, is a special moment in time where we thought we could live forever. The days of Peter Pan and Wendy and never growing up were at one point in our lives, something we thought we could do; some may have even believed they could fly like those fabled characters or have powers like their favorite superhero. So if the saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder is true, then things like hearing a babys laugh, and seeing a childs first steps; or looking into your lovers eyes must surely be things of beauty. But when it is all said and done, in those last fleeting moments of life, if there is a loved one to offer a hand to hold, then all things transcend from being beautiful, and they become priceless.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Perceptions Of Workload The WritePass Journal

Perceptions Of Workload Introduction Perceptions Of Workload ]. Further Reading Askun, C.S., 2007. Relationships between students level of effort and course perceptions in a blended learning environment, Indiana University, Bloomington. Frey, N.,   Fisher, D. Everlove, S. 2009. Productive group work, ASCD, Alexandria, VA. Jones, R., 2009. Physical ergonomic and mental workload factors of mobile learning affecting performance of adult distant learners: Students perspectives, ProQuest, Parkway. Rabie, S., 2007. Medical students perceptions of the utility of concept mapping, ProQuest, Ann Arbor, MI.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Essay - 10

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness - Essay Example Globalization is a process of increasing proportion of social, economic and cultural activities across the national borders. There were positive and negative impacts of globalization of Coca-Cola Company. Marketing strategies, technology and product differentiation are some of the factors that supported the rapid growth and development of the company globally. Under marketing strategies, the company used popular catchy jingles, and advertising slogans, which had a great impact to the minds and hearts of the people worldwide (Lopez, 2012). The slogans were meant to influence the consumers in remembering the product. The company also customized the product in order to meet needs of the sole markets. Coca-Cola Company also exercised Packaging differentiation, which also had a great impact into various market segments. The impacts of globalization of Coca-Cola Company also had a negative impact in some countries globally. For example, in India, the problems occurred after the company started to exploit recourses and labor in the country. The lands were to be cleared for the establishment of the factories where a number of people got displaced. The agricultural workers were left without a source of income after their lands grabbed by Coca-Cola Company. Many of the farmers committed suicide because they lacked alternatives of earning a living (Rao & Sivaramakrishna, 2008). After the establishment of the factories, the nightmare did not end because the residents were still hired to work in dangerous assembly lines, which caused physical pain and psychological damage as well. The company did not consider age or gender, but hired anybody. Child labors existed, meaning the some of the children did not attend school, which can lead the future generation of India to remain uneducated, hence low chances of stabilizing India. Some of technological factors that have positive impacts to the company include; efficiency of corporations marketing, advertising and