Thursday, August 27, 2020

Calidad vs. Cualidad, Spanish Words Meaning Quality

Calidad versus Cualidad, Spanish Words Meaning Quality Both calidad and cualidad are normally meant English as qualityâ -however the two words arent utilized similarly and arent tradable. A gander at these two words show how the implications of words can change over timeâ and how comparing words, known asâ cognates, in two dialects can take various ways. Calidad, cualidad and quality all originate from the Latin qualitas, used to allude to classes or sorts of things. (You can even now observe echoes of this importance in the word cual.) Cualidad verges on holding that significance and is utilized to allude to the natural attributes of something. Truth be told, it can quite often be interpreted as trademark just as quality. Here are a few models: El pelo corto tiene la cualidad de mantenerse en mejores condiciones por ms tiempo. Short hair has the nature of staying in better condition for a more drawn out time.Mi mejor cualidad como entertainer es la autenticidad. My best quality as an on-screen character is authenticity.Antonio posee muchas cualidades deseables. Antonio has numerous alluring qualities.El magnetismo es una cualidad de algunos metales. Attraction is a nature of certain metals. Calidad, then again, recommends greatness or predominance: Siempre queremos la mejor calidad para nuestros clientes. We generally need the best quality for our customers.Tenemos que consumir nutrientes en cantidad suficiente y de buena calidad. We have to expend supplements that are adequate in amount and of good quality.La mayorã ­a de las ciudades con city hall leader calidad de vida estn en Europa. The greater part of the urban areas with a superior personal satisfaction are in Europe.La baja calidad del servicio hace perder ms clientes que el precio. The low nature of administrations causes the loss of a bigger number of clients than costs. In some cases calidad, particularly in the expression en calidad de, can allude to someones position or status: El representante, actuando en calidad de presidente interino, firmã ³ tres documentos. The delegate, acting in the limit of between time president, marked three reports.

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