Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Drafting an Academic Plan of Study for Student Growth

Drafting an Academic Plan of Study for Student Growth An academic plan of study is a way to provide more accountability to students who are struggling academically. This plan provides students with a set of academic goals tailored to their needs and provides them with assistance in reaching those goals. An academic plan of study is best suited for students who may lack the motivation necessary to succeed academically and needs some direct accountability to keep them in check. The motivation lies in the fact that if they do not meet their goals, then the student will be required to repeat that grade the following year. Developing an academic plan of study gives the student an opportunity to prove themselves rather than retaining them in their current grade which could have an overall negative effect. The following is a sample academic plan of study that can be modified to fit your specific needs. Sample Academic Plan of Study The following plan of study takes effect on Wednesday, August 17, 2016, which is the first day of the 2016-2017 school year. It is effective through Friday, May 19, 2017. The principal/counselor will review John Student’s progress at a minimum of a bi-weekly basis. If John Student fails to meet his objectives at any given check, then a meeting will be required with John Student, his parents, his teachers, and the principal or counselor. If John Student has met all of the objectives, then he will be promoted to the 8th grade at the end of the year. However, if he fails to meet all of the listed objectives, then he will be placed back into the 7th grade for the 2017-2018 school year. OBJECTIVES John Student must maintain a 70% C- average in each class including English, reading, math, science, and social studies.John Student must complete and turn in 95% of their classroom assignments per class.John Student must attend school at least 95% of the required time, meaning they can only miss 9 days of the total 175 school days.John Student must show improvement in his reading grade level.John Student must show improvement in his math grade level.John Student must set a reasonable Accelerated Reading goal for each quarter (with principal/counselors assistance) and meet that A.R. goal every nine weeks. Assistance/Action   John Student’s teachers will immediately let the principal/counselor know if he fails to complete and/or turn in an assignment on time. The principal/counselor will be responsible for keeping track of this information.The principal/counselor will conduct bi-weekly grade checks in the areas of English, reading, math, science, and social studies. The principal/counselor will be required to inform both John Student and his parents of their progress on a bi-weekly basis via conference, letter, or telephone call.John Student will be required to spend a minimum of forty-five minutes for three days a week with an intervention specialist specifically focused on improving his overall reading level.If any of John Student’s grades drop below 70%, he will be required to attend after-school tutoring at a minimum of three times per week.If John Student is failing to meet two or more of his grade requirements and/or two or more of his objectives by December 16. 2016, then he will be d emoted to the 6th grade at that time for the remainder of the school year. If John Student is demoted or retained, he will be required to attend a Summer School session. By signing this document, I agree to each of the conditions above. I understand that if John Student does not meet each objective that he may be placed back into 7th grade for the 2017-2018 school year or demoted to the 6th grade for the 2nd semester of the 2016-2017 school year. However, if he meets each expectation then he will be promoted to the 8th grade for the 2017–2018 school year.    __________________________________ John Student, Student __________________________________ Fanny Student, Parent __________________________________ Ann Teacher, Teacher __________________________________ Bill Principal, Principal

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